
海外発送,米国,アメリカ,通販 海外発送,中国,通販 海外発送,韓国,通販 海外発送,台湾,通販

おかゆ 永平寺 茶がゆ 1人前 米又(Japanese Okayu Eiheiji Chagayu (rice porridge) 1serv Yonemata) [T47F11889]

おかゆ 永平寺 茶がゆ 1人前 米又(Japanese Okayu Eiheiji Chagayu (rice porridge) 1serv Yonemata) [T47F11889]

本体価格: 263Yen

重み: 380g


Item Information


永平寺 茶がゆ 250g

(レトルトタイプ おかゆ 粥)


Eiheiji Chagayu 250g


(Retort-type porridge)


Made with hojicha tea with soybeans from Fukui Prefecture!

おかゆ 永平寺 茶がゆ 1人前

+ 新しい設備を導入!
+ 福井県産大豆入りほうじ茶使用!
+ 福井のお水のミネラル分をそのままにさらに浄水し今以上にきめ細かな充填包装を実現いたしました。
+ 禅寺に受け継がれた朝がゆを福井の銘米コシヒカリを使い独自の技法で箸が立つほどにふっくらと炊き上げた滋味豊かなおかゆです。

+ 永平寺のお粥について・・・
永平寺では お粥 (おかゆ) とは言わず、粥 (しゅく) もしくは、浄粥 (じょうしゅく) と呼ばれているそうです。

一、 【色】 体の血つやが良くなり
二、 【力】 気力を増し
三、 【寿】 長命となり
四、 【楽】 食べ過ぎとならず体が安楽
五、 【詞清辯】 言葉が清く爽やかになり
六、 【宿食除】 前に食べたものが残らず胸やけもせず
七、 【風除】 風邪を引かず
八、 【飢消】 消化よく栄養となって飢えを消し
九、 【渇消】 のどの渇きを止め
十、 【大小便調適】 便通も良い


Okayu Nagaheiji Chagayu 1 serving

+ New equipment!
+ We use hojicha tea with soybeans produced in Fukui Prefecture!
+ Fukui water purified and packaged more finely than ever before, while maintaining the mineral content of Fukui water.
The new packaging is even finer than before. + The unique technique of using Fukui's famous Koshihikari rice to cook the morning rice gruel passed down in Zen temples makes it so fluffy and flavorful that your chopsticks will stand up to the touch.

+ About Eiheiji's porridge...
At Eiheiji Temple, porridge is not called "rice gruel," but rather "shuku" or "jokyu," which means "rice gruel.
Dogen Zenji, the founder of the Soto sect of Zen Buddhism, wrote the following about "porridge" in his book "Fushuku Manpo".

The ten merits and virtues are as follows
Color: The blood of the body becomes more luminous.
Strength: To increase one's energy.
Longevity: Longevity and longevity
Ease: Not overeating and having peace of mind.
The words will be clean and fresh.
No lingering food and no heartburn.
Not catching a cold.
Digestion is good and nourishment is good, eliminating hunger.
Quench thirst.
Good bowel movements.

This is interesting.
For Buddhists, eating porridge has a very important meaning,
For Buddhists, eating porridge has a very important meaning.
You can enjoy this kind of porridge from Eiheiji easily at home!

+ 商品詳細 +
■名 称:おかゆ 永平寺 茶がゆ 1人前

+ 詳細情報 +
+ おかゆでダイエットができるかも!
+ なぜって?同じお米の量でもご飯の約4から5倍膨らむんです。
+ ということは同じ量でもおなかがいっぱいになる!ということですよね!
+ またお粥に少量の調味料、わかめを刻んで入れおしょうゆをたらせばわかめおじやに。
+ きのこを入れてチーズとブイヨン、バター、オイルを少々混ぜ込めばきのこのリゾットに。
+ 魚介類料理にも何でも使えるんですよ。是非一度おためしを!


+ Product Details +
Name: Okayu Eiheiji Chagayu (Rice porridge) 1serv
Ingredients: Uruchi rice (Koshihikari produced in Fukui Prefecture), green tea (produced in Japan), soybeans (produced in Japan)
Contents: 250g
Shelf life: 1 year from the date of manufacture
Storage method: Keep out of sunlight, high temperature and high humidity.
Country of origin: Japan
Manufacturer: Yonemata
Package: 18mm (length) x 12mm (width) x 180mm (height)

+ Details +
■Product Contents
This tea gayu is made with fragrant hojicha tea and roasted beans from Fukui Prefecture.
It can be served cold or hot.
+ You may be able to lose weight with porridge!
+ Why? Because the same amount of rice expands 4 to 5 times faster than rice.
+ The same amount of rice expands about 4 to 5 times more than rice, which means the same amount of rice will fill you up! That means the same amount of rice will fill you up!
+ You can also make Wakame Ojiya by adding a small amount of seasoning, chopped wakame seaweed, and a dash of soy sauce to the porridge.
+ You can make mushroom risotto by adding mushrooms and mixing in cheese, bouillon, butter, and a little oil.
+ It can also be used for all kinds of seafood dishes. Please give it a try!



【賞味期限】 最短賞味期限 2025年12月10日

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