アマノフーズ フリーズドライ味噌汁 いつものおみそ汁 10種類50食セット(Japanese Amano Foods Freeze-dried Miso Soup - 10 kinds of miso soup - 50-serving set) [T11AS10550]
本体価格: 6,230Yen
重み: 800g
Item Information
アマノフーズ フリーズドライ味噌汁
いつものおみそ汁 10種類50食セット
Amano Foods Freeze-Dried Miso Soup
Miso Soup as usual 10 kinds, 50-serving set
Ships internationally from Japan

毎日食べたくなるおみそ汁10種類。 This authentic instant miso soup is hard to believe!
We have carefully selected the most compatible miso and broth to match the ingredients,
10 kinds of miso soup that you will want to eat every day. [セット内容]○アマノフーズいつものみそ汁 なす9.5g×5食 |
【賞味期限】 | --- |
goodBy AnonymousI have sent it to my daughter Who is living away from her family. She doesn’t have time to go for shopping so this instant food is really good to eat with meal or else.Seller's responseThank you for your evaluation! This is a great product for people who live alone or are busy...
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