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ご当地ラーメン 激戦区九州の厳選 5店舗10食セット 常温保存 半生麺(Japanese Local ramen: 10-serving set from 5 carefully selected stores in Kyushu's fierce battleground of ramen.) [T27FST51103]

ご当地ラーメン 激戦区九州の厳選 5店舗10食セット 常温保存 半生麺(Japanese Local ramen: 10-serving set from 5 carefully selected stores in Kyushu's fierce battleground of ramen.) [T27FST51103]

本体価格: 3,132Yen

重み: 2800g


Item Information

九州で大人気のラーメン屋5店舗の味を自宅で! 九州で有名で行列ができるようなラーメン屋の味が5種類集結しました。 各店舗ごとの並々ならぬこだわりをぜひご自宅でお楽しみください!

The tastes of five very popular ramen shops in Kyushu at home! We have gathered together the tastes of five famous ramen shops in Kyushu that are sure to draw lines of customers. We hope you will enjoy the extraordinary commitment of each store in your own home!

〇熊本ラーメン 大黒

Kumamoto Ramen Daikoku
Noodle] Straight thin noodles [Soup] Pork bone soup
The richness and flavor of the burnt garlic blended with the pork bone broth that the manager is particular about is exquisitely delicious and addictive. The thin, straight noodles are our pride and joy, and they intertwine well with the soup.

〇博多ラーメン 秀ちゃん

Hakata Ramen Shu-chan
Noodle] Straight thin noodles [Soup] Thick tonkotsu (pork bone) soup
This is a special product that has been made with the same flavor as the popular "Daruma Ramen" since 1963, but with a different arrangement and training. The thick soup is irresistible to those who like it rich.

〇鹿児島ラーメン くろいわ

Kagoshima Ramen Kuroiwa
Noodles】Straight thin noodles 【Soup】Pork bone and chicken bone soup
This long-established shop has maintained the same delicious taste and tradition since its opening in 1968. The soup is rich and light, and the straight noodles that go well with it are addictive.

〇博多ラーメン だるま

Hakata Ramen Daruma
Noodles] Extra-thin noodles [Soup] Soup with a lot of back oil
A traditional taste that has been made since its establishment in 1963. The back-oil-filled soup is a must-try for those who like their soup thick and rich.

〇久留米ラーメン モヒカン味壱家

Kurume Ramen Mohican Aji Ichiya
Noodles] Thin noodles [Soup] Thick tonkotsu (pork bone) soup
A restaurant with a long line of customers in Kurume, the birthplace of tonkotsu (pork bone) ramen. The owner puts his heart and soul into each and every meal, and his special chili-based secret sauce will bring a smile to your face.



【賞味期限】 最短賞味期限 2025年04月27日

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