フリーズドライ アマノフーズ スープ 減塩きょうのスープ 五目中華スープ5食 塩分ひかえめ食品 インスタント 即席 ギフト プレゼント(Japanese Freeze-dried Amano Foods reduced-sodium today's soup, 5 servings, low-sodium Chinese soup, instant, instant gift, gift idea) [T11F20884]
フリーズドライ アマノフーズ スープ 減塩きょうのスープ 五目中華スープ5食 塩分ひかえめ食品 インスタント 即席 ギフト プレゼント(Japanese Freeze-dried Amano Foods reduced-sodium today's soup, 5 servings, low-sodium Chinese soup, instant, instant gift, gift idea)
本体価格: 350Yen
重み: 50g
Item Information
アマノフーズ フリーズドライ
減塩きょうのスープ 五目中華スープ5食
「きょうのスープ 五目中華スープ」と比べ、1食当たり食塩相当量25%カット。
Amano Foods Freeze-dried
Low-Sodium Today's Soup - Gomoku Chinese Soup 5 Servings
A Chinese soup rich in flavor with five different ingredients including Japanese eggs and colorful vegetables.
Compared to "Today's Soup: Gomoku Chinese Soup", the amount of salt equivalent per serving is reduced by 25%.
Low salt content
It can be enjoyed every day by those who are concerned about salt content.
This Chinese soup is rich in color and flavor with eggs and vegetables,
You can enjoy the delicious taste of freshly made soup.

アマノフーズ フリーズドライ
減塩きょうのスープ 五目中華スープ5食
つくりたての ようなおいしさが味わえるスープです。
当社「きょうのスープ 五目中華スープ」と比べ、1食当たり食塩相当量25%カット。
調理方法 熱湯160mlを注いでかきまぜてください。
Amano Foods Freeze-dried
Low-Sodium Today's Soup - Gomoku Chinese Soup 5 Servings
A Chinese soup rich in color and flavor with eggs and vegetables.
This Chinese soup is richly flavored with five kinds of ingredients, including Japanese eggs and colorful vegetables.
This soup tastes as good as if it were freshly made.
Compared to our "Today's Soup: Gomoku Chinese Soup," each serving contains 25% less salt.
The low-sodium content allows those who are concerned about salt content to enjoy this tasty soup every day.
It is a familiar tasty soup that can make anyone feel relaxed.
It comes in standing pouch packs of 5 servings, so it is convenient for stocking up.
Each family member can enjoy freshly made soup whenever they want.
All you need is hot water, whether at home or at the office!
Cooking Method Pour 160 ml of boiling water and stir.
カテゴリー:アマノフーズ フリーズドライ スープ 減塩 塩分ひかえめ非常食 保存食スープ インスタント 即席 お試し 贈り物 ギフト アウトドア キャンプ
Low-Sodium Today's Soup - Gomoku Chinese Soup 5 Servings
A Chinese soup rich in color and flavor with eggs and vegetables.
This Chinese soup is richly flavored with five kinds of ingredients, including Japanese eggs and colorful vegetables.
This soup tastes as good as if it were freshly made.
Compared to our "Today's Soup: Gomoku Chinese Soup," each serving contains 25% less salt.
The low-sodium content allows those who are concerned about salt content to enjoy this tasty soup every day.
It is a familiar tasty soup that can make anyone feel relaxed.
It comes in standing pouch packs of 5 servings, so it is convenient for stocking up.
Each family member can enjoy freshly made soup whenever they want.
All you need is hot water, whether at home or at the office!
Cooking Method Pour 160 ml of boiling water and stir.
減塩きょうのスープ 五目中華スープ5食 | |
原材料名 | デキストリン、還元水あめ、しょうゆ、鶏ガラエキスパウダー、澱粉、食塩、香辛料、ごま油、かにエキス、チキンエキス、オイスターエキス、醸造酢、砂糖、酵母エキスパウダー、たんぱく加水分解物、具(鶏卵、ほうれん草、キャベツ、きくらげ、魚肉練り製品)/調味料(アミノ酸等)、増粘剤(タマリンドガム)、セルロース、着色料(紅麹、アナトー、カラメル)、酸化防止剤(ビタミンE)、(一部にかに、小麦粉、卵、乳成分、ごま、大豆、鶏肉、豚肉うを含む) |
栄養成分 | エネルギー 30kcal たんぱく質 1.3g 脂質 0.94g 炭水化物 4g (食塩相当量)0.92g |
アレルギー 表示 | 卵 ○ 乳 ○ 小麦 ○ かに ○ |
内容量 | 36.5g |
12ヶ月(未開封) | |
直射日光を避け、常温で保存してください。 | |
天野実業株式会社 |
カテゴリー:アマノフーズ フリーズドライ スープ 減塩 塩分ひかえめ非常食 保存食スープ インスタント 即席 お試し 贈り物 ギフト アウトドア キャンプ
Amano Foods Freeze-driedLow-Sodium Today's Soup - Gomoku Chinese Soup 5 Servings
A Chinese soup rich in flavor with five different ingredients including Japanese eggs and colorful vegetables.Compared to "Today's Soup: Gomoku Chinese Soup", the amount of salt equivalent per serving is reduced by 25%.
Low salt contentIt can be enjoyed every day by those who are concerned about salt content.
This Chinese soup is rich in color and flavor with eggs and vegetables,
You can enjoy the delicious taste of freshly made soup.
【賞味期限】 | 最短賞味期限 2024年05月 |
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