旬風庵 牛タンと黒ゴマのカレー 210g 京都町屋フレンチ 極上レトルトカレー レストランカレー レトルト食品 お土産 非常食 保存食 ギフト(Japanese Shunpouan Beef tongue and black sesame curry 210g Kyoto Machiya French superb retort curry restaurant curry retort food souvenir emergency food preserved food gift) [T17TY10129]
旬風庵 牛タンと黒ゴマのカレー 210g 京都町屋フレンチ 極上レトルトカレー レストランカレー レトルト食品 お土産 非常食 保存食 ギフト(Japanese Shunpouan Beef tongue and black sesame curry 210g Kyoto Machiya French superb retort curry restaurant curry retort food souvenir emergency food preserved food gift)
本体価格: 500Yen
重み: 270g
Item Information
旬風庵 牛タンと黒ゴマのカレー 210g
Shunpouan Curry with Beef Tongue and Black Sesame 210g
European-style curry produced by Shunpouan, a machiya French restaurant in Kyoto.
This curry originated in Kyoto has a perfect balance of Japanese taste and black sesame seeds.
旬風庵 牛タンと黒ゴマのカレー 210g
京都の町家フレンチ「旬風庵」 井手シェフ監修の欧風カレー。
【オーナーシェフ 井出 弘昭】
Shunpouan Curry with Beef Tongue and Black Sesame 210g
European-style curry supervised by Chef Ide of Shunpouan, a machiya French restaurant in Kyoto.
Beef tongue is wrapped in layers of spicy and punchy roux.
This curry originated in Kyoto is perfectly balanced with the Japanese taste of black sesame seeds.
Owner Chef Hiroaki Ide
After working at the Kyoto Hotel and the Ritz-Carlton, he moved to Shijo, Kyoto in 2004,
After working at the Kyoto Hotel and the Ritz-Carlton, he opened the French restaurant "Shunpouan" in an 80-year-old machiya (townhouse) in Shijo, Kyoto, in 2004.
He opened a French restaurant "Shunpouan" in Shijo, Kyoto in 2004, in an 80-year-old machiya house.
Cooking Method
Simply warm the box in a microwave oven.
This European-style curry is a perfect balance of black sesame seeds and beef tongue wrapped in layers of spicy, punchy roux.
European-style curry supervised by Chef Ide of Shunpouan, a machiya French restaurant in Kyoto.
Beef tongue is wrapped in layers of spicy and punchy roux.
This curry originated in Kyoto is perfectly balanced with the Japanese taste of black sesame seeds.
Owner Chef Hiroaki Ide
After working at the Kyoto Hotel and the Ritz-Carlton, he moved to Shijo, Kyoto in 2004,
After working at the Kyoto Hotel and the Ritz-Carlton, he opened the French restaurant "Shunpouan" in an 80-year-old machiya (townhouse) in Shijo, Kyoto, in 2004.
He opened a French restaurant "Shunpouan" in Shijo, Kyoto in 2004, in an 80-year-old machiya house.
Cooking Method
Simply warm the box in a microwave oven.
This European-style curry is a perfect balance of black sesame seeds and beef tongue wrapped in layers of spicy, punchy roux.
レトルトカレー | |
野菜・果実(玉葱、りんご、人参)、牛タン、フォンドボー、肉エキス、小麦粉、カレー粉、食用油脂、いりゴマ、砂糖、香辛料、ネリゴマ、蛋白加水分解物、食塩、澱粉/調味料(アミノ酸等)、カラメル色素、酸味料、 (一部に小麦・牛肉・ごま・大豆・鶏肉・豚肉・りんごを含む) | |
内容量 | 210g |
アレルゲン | 小麦、大豆、牛肉、豚肉、鶏肉、ごま、りんご |
賞味期限 | 製造より約2年 |
直射日光を避け、常温で保存してください。 | |
株式会社イトー屋 |
カテゴリー:レトルトカレー パウチ 牛タン 京都町屋レストラン 洋食 非常食 2年 保存 景品 ギフト プレゼント
【賞味期限】 | 最短賞味期限 2025年11月06日 |
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